Enduring Change in Eating Disorders: Interventions with Long-Term Results

Enduring Change in Eating Disorders: Interventions with Long-Term Results

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Enduring Change in Eating Disorders provides a unique perspective on the successful treatment of eating disorders, which are among the most debilitating and recalcitrant psychiatric diseases. Unique in the field, this book details effective Structural Family Therapy with qualitative follow-ups of up to 20 years. A practical approach providing concrete tools to the clinician to creating change that holds over time with bulimia, anorexia, and compulsive overeating.

The text draws on cases from the author's practice of over twenty-five years and follows his approach in the theoretical tradition of Intensive Structural Family Therapy (IST). Chapters discuss the nature and significance of eating disorders, a review of current treatment approaches, and the importance of the family in the therapeutic process. Cases of eating disorders in youths and adults are provided as well as instances of bulimia, anorexia, and compulsive overeating.

Three appendices provide the reader with information regarding the scientific basis of the IST model, the effectiveness of the approach in treating conditions other than eating disorders and preventing eating disorders.


"To become or remain hopeful in treating people with eating problems, practitioners should read this book and become believers."

- Lee Combrick-Graham, M.D.
Founder and Former Medical Director, Renfrew Center; Medical Director, Intensive In-home Child and and Adolescent Psychiatric Services, Family and Children's Agency, Norwalk, Conneticut

"Dr. Fishman's book is timely. In [it] we see the importance of clinical thinking and, even more unusual, the value of long-term follow-ups to determine what went well in therapy, and where therapy failed the patient. Dr. Fishman talk about more than one hundred patients, with a follow-up of up to 20 years."

- From the forward by Salvador Minuchin, M.D.
Author, Families and Family Therapy; co-author Family Healing (with Michael P. Nichols); Founder, The Minuchin Center